Transamory & Trans-Orientation: Are you a fetishizer?

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Rachel Bennett

September 18, 2024

Transamory & Trans-Orientation: Are you a fetishizer?

Transamory and trans-orientation are terms that have gained prominence in recent years, reflecting the evolving understanding of gender and attraction.

Based on our decade-long experience in the dating space, we have observed a growing interest in these concepts. However, with this interest comes the responsibility to approach these topics with respect and sensitivity. Understanding the difference between genuine attraction and fetishization is crucial for fostering healthy and respectful relationships.

Transamory refers to the attraction to transgender individuals, while trans-orientation encompasses a broader spectrum of attraction that includes various gender identities. It's essential to recognize that these attractions should be rooted in genuine respect and admiration for the person, rather than reducing them to their gender identity. Fetishization, on the other hand, involves objectifying someone based on a specific characteristic, which can be harmful and dehumanizing.

Pro Tip:

Always approach relationships with empathy and respect. Genuine attraction goes beyond physical characteristics and appreciates the whole person.


Fetishizing someone based on their gender identity can be deeply hurtful. Ensure your attraction is respectful and genuine.